Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cinder kicking back

Hi Debbie. I haven't sent anything to you lately on cinder. Here she is kicking back with dad watching tv. We just came back from a four day horse show. Cinder really loves our new living quarters trailer. There is so much more room for her to play and sit at the table looking out the window. Soon we will be off to nationals where Sierra will compete for the gold medal in dressage, hunt seat and western pleasure. She is also competing for youth of the year. ~ Karen

Sunday, August 26, 2012

CHAMPION Black Diamond Trifecta

Waverley~ Black Diamond Trifecta (Ch Patchmt's Jazzin It Up, CD, CC x BISS GCh Ch Kastle's Go Speed Racer) from our April 2011 litter, finished her Canadian Championship today, going BoW (Best of Winners). She has won multiple group placements and best puppy in groups. She is owned and handled by Amy Boyle in Ontario Canada. We are very proud of both of them!