Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Indy's here to visit
A welcome face has come to visit... Indy has returned to our home for a visit. His Daddy has headed out for his annual vacation, so Indy is here to visit with his family for a week. Although he has a wonderful routine with his Daddy, he has fit right back into things around here very quickly. Everyone was happy to see him and he's been playing with his brothers every since.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Bow's Back
Even though DawnAnn fell in love with Bow this past week, they just couldn't make things work out. DawnAnn is hoping things will change and she'll be able to take Bow back at some point ~ but it's just not meant to be right now. Bow is very happy to be home with all his brothers, little nephews and nieces, as well as his mom, dad, grandmother and aunt. It was a great experience for him to get to go visit DawnAnn for a week and he's looking forward to getting to do it again someday.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ti's happy to be home!

Ti was very happy to be home and his brothers were very happy to see him! As you can see, Hunter (right) and Ti (left) needed some time to catch up after being separated for a month - there are 5 other crates in this room that one of them could have slept in, but instead I caught the two of them napping together in this one crate.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Two Peas In A Pod

Here is Ti (close) and Krash (further away) saying goodbye. Krash was very sweet and entertained Ti for one month so Ti could see what it was like to live someplace else, where there wasn't as many dogs and there are different people, critters and rules. Ti truly enjoyed his time with his big buddy Krash and I'm sure he'll be looking forward to seeing him ringside in January.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Bow goes for a trial
Sunday, November 1, 2009
It's official

Friday, October 30, 2009
Hunter gets re-tested

When Hunter was hearing tested at 7 weeks of age, the test showed he was a uni. Then on October 17th he was re-tested by the same person as part of a demonstration and discussion on BAER Hearing tests. During his 2nd test, the results were very different from the first test. This info worried me, so today Hunter got to have his 3rd hearing test, this time by NW Vet Specialists. This time we feel confident that he truly is a uni. That's OK, Hunter is a wonderful pet and is going to make some lucky family a great companion for many years to come. Hunter is still available ~ if your interested, please contact us for more info.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Lucky Boy!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Camp Jordan

Ti is the one on the right hand side of each of these photos - it's getting harder to tell though, he's getting so big.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bow looking handsome

Here's Bow, looking as cute as can be! He was playing with the green ball that's sitting in front of him, but when I grabbed the camera he dropped it and posed for the photo instead. As soon as I snapped the photo he hoped down and ran right to me to give me a big kiss... apparently he really likes having his photo and wanted to thank me. :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Please share...
Soggy & Hunter were having a talk about their nightly carrot here. Soggy let his mom steal his carrot, so he went to his brother Hunter and tried to talk him into sharing, as you can tell by the look on Hunter's face, he was NOT willing to share. Too bad he lost his temper and jumped off the couch barking at Soggy - their grandmother swooped in while the two were having a discussion and Jazz ate it! Too bad boys, maybe you should learn to share with each other.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Ti goes to college

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Bow enjoys a nap
The boys are getting big and are need of a new home, but meanwhile we are doing our best to make their experiences as 'normal' as can be in a house with 16 Dalmatians!! We bring one boy in per evening to let them have one on one time with us and to get away from the pack. After playing and seeing what's allowed to be chewed on and what is not allowed, he decided the best thing to do with his time is take a nice comfy nap on the couch.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The noses have it

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Loving my boys
Seeing we still have four puppy boys, I now have a total of 5 boys who need their turn sitting in 'moms' lap. Here I was sitting with Romeo at my side, with his head on my shoulder, Ti upside down getting his belly rubbed and then Soggy decided he needed to get in on the action as well! Willow is sitting to the right of Romeo, and Bow was napping on the couch (he's the one in the furthest to the right). Also on the couch was Izza and Hunter but not included in the photo.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hunter's accident

Poor little hunter has had his first accident. The boys are still small enough that they fit through the holes in our fence line which separates the dogs from the horses. Each morning and night when I feed the horses, the puppies are climbing through the fence and running out amongst the horses while I'm out there. All has been OK up until Tuesday, September 2nd. I was putting a fly mask on one of my mares who stepped backwards and shifted her feet, stepping right on hunter's front paw. Luckily the x-ray and vet confirmed that it is not broke, but very sore and swollen. Ever since the accident his daddy has been very worried about him. Romeo keeps giving him kisses and even tries to lick Hunter's paw. This is a common sight around here this week, Romeo laying with his boy keeping him company and fretting about him.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Lack of posts
Sorry about the lack of posts lately, four 12 week old puppies seem to be taking up all of my spare time!! :) The boys are doing well, although they are at the jangle stage at the moment. All of them really have 'Sit' down pat and most are good about 'Down' (as in to lay down), and heal. We worked on heal without a leash first, by walking up and down the hallway in our home, using a clicker and reward each time they get in proper position. We have now transitioned into walking on a leash and going around the block - we do this with the clicker too, and when they get in proper position, like magic they get a click and treat... within 1/2 a block or so, each puppy has figured out this game and are walking on my left side on a nice loose leash. I'm hoping to find some other people in the area who have pups around this age so we can get together for a Play Day, to keep their socialization going. If you know anyone interested in one of these great pups, please send them our way!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Elliot & Sonny Video
Elliot's mom has uploaded the following cute video to U-Tube for all of us to enjoy. Check out Elliot in his new home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOGy3rqSDlc
Saturday, August 8, 2009
House guest
Today the boys met their first four legged 'stranger'. At first they were very shy, but within minutes they decided strangers could be FUN! Their first encounter took place in our backyard so the pups had 'home turf' to help them feel more confident, and the other dog is Callie, a stray that lived with us for about a month before she became a very lucky dog by acquiring a permanent home with Adrian's mom. Callie is very submissive with strange dogs and lives with cats, which made her a great first encounter dog.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tunnel Work
Seeing 7-12 week old puppies learn extremely fast, we have been working on clicker training the boys. So far they are very good about 'Come', 'Sit' and now tonight we began working on 'Tunnel'. All boys were very brave and had a great time with their new toy. By spending time working with them now, we hope to create dogs with a passion for learning, setting them up for success in their new homes.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Four wet boys

Friday, July 31, 2009
Elliot & Sonny
The other four boys who are still at our home had their vet check up today and all received clean bills of health - no surprise as they are all doing very well.
We are looking forward to the next boy going to his new home this weekend. The next to go will be a show potential puppy headed to Pomeroy, WA. Then we'll just have to find homes for the remaining 3 boys. :)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Orange Week 8

Orange is a very sweet boy, who is very quite and tender. He's going to make someone a very special boy.
He has a very nice front and rear end which may make him a nice show boy if someone is willing to work with him to bring him out of his shell. Orange is available to a pet or show home - which ever comes along first.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Yellow heads for California!

'Yellow' was the chosen puppy this afternoon. A very nice couple from Crescent City, CA had the first choice of the pet puppies and after facing a tough decision, they decided to go with Yellow because he is the mellowest of the group as well as his very attractive two blue eyes.
Yellow won't be alone however, he will have a 'big brother', a 7 year old Dalmatian by the name of Sunny who also made the trip up from California today. Sonny was very happy and excited to meet his new little buddy.
Yellow will be living the good life, within 10 minutes of the beach as well as miles of hiking trails.
We'll miss you Yellow, but know your in good hands with your new parents. Take care!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Final night together

Here are all 5 boys waiting for their final dinner all together. Tomorrow morning we will make the long drive to Vancouver, WA to have help evaluating the litter. Our goal will be to determine the top two 'show picks' - the two puppies we feel have the best chances in the conformation show ring. Once the evaluation is finished the first puppy will be picked up to head off to it's new home.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Mom and Dad watching over
It looks like the perfect little family but in truth mom and dad are just waiting for me to leave so they can steal the carrots from their babies. Romeo is really starting to enjoy his babies, he wishes they would grow up quicker so they can run faster and play with him. Just about every night he lays on the couch and they come up and give each other kisses, the only problem is his lips look very chewable and the puppies have teeth and are not afraid to use them.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
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