Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lilly babysits

Seeing Lilly demonstrated how good she could be with the puppies when we did our trip to Portland - tonight she got to play with the boys again. She once again was thrilled and mothered each of the boys, who were just as happy to see her again.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Jack finds his spot

Black Diamond Love Potion No 9 is now called Jack. His mom writes "Jack has met many new people so far. We took him to Petsmart to get more toys and then to Five Guys where he technically was not suppose to go in but they allowed him in since I only want a to go order and I was carrying him. He also met a bunch of fire fighters, they were at a call at the assisted living center by our house and stopped when they saw him. He also has met my mother-in-laws dog, a pom in which they played and he met a huge Rottie. So far he is a joy! Oh and crate training is doing good. Last night he stayed in his crate for 6 hours sleeping and then went out to go potty and back in his crate until I woke up. He only whined for maybe 15 minutes. He is also meeting Santa next week with the girls so we will have those pictures too." Stephanie

Sunday, November 28, 2010

White Sands, NM

Here's a photo of Mozart looking particularly handsome. (Mozart is from our first litter which was born Nov 2007). He's doing great with the puppy. Samantha named her little sweetheart Olive. They're so darn cute! Thanks again for sharing your puppies with us. Ringo made many, many friends at the airports. He really got a lot of socializing in. He slept through both flights.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Down to four

Izza seems just fine with the idea of being down to four children. She spent the evening playing with her remaining boys. Still looking for homes: Black, Orange, Blue and possibly Brown.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Keeping them in the family

Thanks to Mozart's mom making arrangements for us, everyone got to pick up their puppies in the warm and dry home of a friend of hers. This wasn't the only great thing Bernie did for us today - she brought along her daughter Samantha who after much thought ended up taking a puppy as well! Now their family consists of Mozart (3 yrs old) and Ringo in New Mexico and Olive in Washington. Mozart is Ringo and Olive's uncle.

Red meets his girls

Red's new family wrote: We have named him Jack. We were going to go with Arthur but Jack just fit him better. He whined a bit on the way home but then fell asleep. So far he is a joy! He has played with the girls non stop since we got home. Went potty outside twice and ate like a horse. I think he will be easy to crate train as I put him in his crate when we ate dinner, he whined for a little bit but then settled down, played with his toys and fell asleep. We are sooo happy.


Raspberry meets her new family

As noted before, Raspberry will be called Yoshi now. Her family seemed very happy to finally meet their new family member. It was great to meet each of you for the first time. Enjoy her!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Can you hear me?

Tonight the babies had their BAER hearing test performed by Dr. Erickson who lives fairly close to the Monroe, WA show grounds. Dr. Erickson was kind enough to let us take the babies to his home so we could have them done while in town for the dog show. Everyone has hearing in both ears except Black who's deaf in his right ear and Light Blue who is deaf in her left ear. Being deaf in one ear doesn't really effect dogs and they make great pets. We even have a friend who has a uni (as they are called) that she's doing Agility with and he looks fantastic running the course! You'd never know there is anything different about him.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Getting bigger

Tonight the babies turned 6 weeks old - boy time flies! To celebrate, each of them received their first vaccination. This will hopefully boost their immune systems just in time to go visit the vet for their hearing tests which are scheduled for next Saturday evening near Monroe, Washington.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tunnel Work

As part of the puppies learning and socialization we have a fabric tunnel we place in our living room for the puppies to explore. Everyone in the litter has now braved the scary tunnel all on their very own, several of which have decided running through it full tilt is a blast! The tunnel is great seeing it completely surrounds the puppies, it moves as they go through it and makes a funny sound - all great experiences for them.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fun despite the weather

Our weather hasn't been good enough to let the pups our again this weekend, but they had fun anyhow. Today they had two more visitors, friends from town who have a 6 year old Dalmatian and a love of puppies. The more visitors the better from here on out, socialization, socialization, socialization is the name of the game and it makes a huge difference in the type of dog each of these babies will grow up to be. So if your reading this and live close enough to come visit, please do!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


The puppies enjoyed their visitors from Pullman today. Our friend Jordan and one of her friends from work came to visit the babies today. Each puppy was handled lots which was a great experience for them. They also got to see their first non-spotted dog, Jordan's Rally star Kester. We truly appreciated the girls visiting and especially their help in taking the puppies 5 week stacked photos (see our website to view the photos).

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Aunt Lilly Checking In

Lilly was born Sept 2009 and is these puppies father's, sister. :) All the other dogs in the house enjoy the pups and like peeking in on them each day. The pups are just starting to get tall enough to touch noses with the looky-loos.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lost & Found

Every pup received their microchip tonight. Their 'great-grandma' helped out by loving on each pup before and after they received their chip and helped me by holding each pup while I implanted them. Microchips are implanted between the puppies shoulder blades and are an individual id number (like a social security number) that special scanners can read. Practically every vet and animal shelter now has scanners that can read these chips and can be the difference between never seeing your puppy again and having a successful reunion, if something ever happens and they disappear.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Airing Out

Today was warm and sunny and I had some projects to do in the front yard, so it worked out to be the perfect day for the babies to see the outdoors for the very first time. There were lots of sites and sounds for them to experience, lawns being moewed, cars driving by, dogs barking, leaves burning, etc. Once the sun went behind a cloud they got chilly and were ready to head in. Several of the pups managed to climb up the two steps into our front door all on their own! Wish we were going to more days for them to be outside, but I can't imagine November will hand us too many more days like today.


Today is the 3 year birthdate of our first Dalmatian litter, so we want to with everyone a Happy Birthday!! There mother is Jazz (Ch Patchmt's Jazzin It Up,CD,RN,CC) and their father is Radar (Ch Proctor's Dappled Doppler). This litter consists of: Annie, Lexi, Lola, Mozart, Ranger, Romeo, Tonto, and Willow. Take care everyone.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ms Raspberry

Ms Raspberry has a black patch under her right ear, so she won't ever get to be a conformation show dog, despite being a beautiful girl. Therefore, our first pet pick home has chosen her. Her AKC name will be Black Diamond Twilight and will be called, Yoshi by her family.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Late night play

I attended the WWKC Board meeting tonight and got home late. Apparently the pups were waiting for me, I was only home for a few minutes before they were all up and playing. In this photo is Brown (front bottom left of photo), Red (above and to the left), Powder Blue (walking in front of LPatch girl), Liver Patch Girl (who wears the purple collar), Raspberry (center of photo), Green (with the orange toy) and Black (far right of photo) - missing from the photo (either in the potty room or sleeping room) are Orange & Royal Blue.
Brown = liver boy
Red = liver boy
Powder blue = liver girl
Purple = liver patch girl
Raspberry = black girl
Green = black boy
Black = black boy
Orange = liver boy
Royal Blue = black boy (with one blue eye)