Last night Izza's temp dropped down to 99.7 so we checked on her a couple of times over night but no luck. This morning she's just picking at her breakfast (and as I'm righting this she is trying to bury her breakfast in her whelping box) and her temp is down to 99.4 so we're getting closer! I've got my fingers crossed that they will come today seeing I really can't (shouldn't) take tomorrow off from work, it's our busiest day all week.
Yesterday we finished pulling together all the items we might need during labor and have them sitting by in the puppy room. We feel pretty prepared this time. I put a comforter over the "whelping box" last night to make it feel more like a den for Iz. I pulled the cover back some for the photo, but it actually covers the whole box.
Our whelping box is a kiddy pool (large size) with foam pool 'noodles' hot glued to the sides for puppy bumpers, lined with towels, then covered with a sheet and an x-pen around the outside. This is our first time using this type of whelping box, but it was highly recommended by a friend (thanks Lois!) and seems like a great design. In preparation we actually purchased the pool last summer and stored it in our shop all year long. Last time we had a litter (about 19 months ago) we had planned to use Lois' design but couldn't find a pool in late October/early November so this time we planned ahead just in case!