Sunday, October 31, 2010

Color Coded

This afternoon we put collars on each of the babies, officially assigning them their 'colors'. This week we will start taking individual photos of the pups with their colored collars on.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Graduation Day

The pups are now old enough that they have graduated to their new puppy box. This box starts to teach them many things, it gives them more room for walking, running and playing, it teaches them to go through small spaces (like doggy doors) and will help start their potty training. Hit PLAY to watch the short video tour of their new home.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Izza enjoys the new puppy box

As soon as we set up the puppy's new box, Izza took advantage of the bigger space for nursing. She seems pretty happy with the new arrangement.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Play time

The puppies are starting to learn how to growl, bark and play with each other. Of course, each time I grab the camera they stop making sounds. This video they are playing inside their sleeping crate trying to play with each other. This upcoming weekend they will move into their 'puppy box' which gives them a 4x5 play area, a 2x3 sleeping area and a 2x3 potty area.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Itchy puppy

This pup was barking and trying to chase his tail... right up until I grabbed the camera. Oh well. Hit the play button and you'll get to see a short video of some cuteness anyhow.

Monday, October 25, 2010

First Meal

I have today off from work so I decided it would be a good day to give the puppies their first meal. They received a 1/2 can of dog food and a cup of dry Blue Buffalo Chicken & Brown Rice Puppy food, mixed with warm water. As you can see, they enjoyed it! They had it all over themselves - the two who are missing from the photo were over on the side licking food off of each other as they were both coated quite well.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monty heads to Montana

Today was a great day for Monty - he finally got to meet his very own family, Susan and Chuck. His new parents are very active, hiking, jogging, mt. biking and x-country skiing and they have always taken their Dals with them. He's going to have a very active and wonderful life! Hopefully he will love his new buddies as well, two kitties with lots of personality. We're hoping Chuck figures out how to send us the photo we took of the three of them before hitting the road (I forgot my camera and my phone, so we had to use Chuck's phone camera). We're also looking forward to updates about his new life as time goes by.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy babies

The babies are almost 3 weeks old and everyone is still doing great. Everyone's eyes are starting to open, although we still can't tell eye colors for sure yet. They are also starting to figure out that they are puppies, starting to bark and growl when playing with each other.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Elliott's Montana Vacation

Elliott & Sunny got to spend a few weeks in Montana this fall. His parents were nice enough to share these photos with us.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eyes not wide open

The puppies have started to open there eyes.Not all of the puppies have started but I am sure in the next day or too they all will be looking around and trying to take in all that they see.They are still gaining good weight everyday.Spots are coming through more and more each day.

Friday, October 15, 2010

First Bathes

As soon as I got home today, the first thing I did was grab our biggest pot, filled it with warm water and headed into the puppy room. They were getting pretty stinky and icky, but not any longer. A warm dip and scrub with clean towels and they are once again hugable, kissable and lovable!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mid week run

Tonight we did a quick 13 miles in 1 hour (with two water breaks). Bow and Monty proved they are fastest in the pack by running at 25 mph for almost 2 miles before I decided we better stop and let everyone else catch up. I was quite impressed by the two boys and they were having a BLAST!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dinner time

Izza's clan enjoying dinner.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Long trip cut short

Our day started off beautiful, warm, sunny, not a cloud in the sky, so I decided it would be the perfect day for a nice long dog run. I was thinking 30+ miles and maybe 3 or 4 hours of eventure. Too bad mother nature had other plans! The sky got black, the wind came up and it started raining. I had to call Adrian and find a meeting spot so he could bring me my jacket and gloves, but the dogs didn't seem to notice, they were still enjoying themselves. We ended up doing 20 miles and 2 hours, and all of us were quite wet by time we got home.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Liver spots

This little boy was showing off his belly spots tonight, but so far that's the only place we can see them, on their bellies, nose or ears.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

No more dewclaws

Tonight Adrian held each of the pups while I removed their dewclaws. After a rocky start (I forgot to borrow the surgical instruments from my office and had to drive back to the office to get them before we could get started). Everyone did well and only one bled much at all. Everyone is gaining weight, so all is well so far. We won't sleep sound and feel confident until eyes and ears have opened.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Alls Well

Izza is very happy about her clan, she clearly loves being a momma. No big updates today.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Babies have arrived!

Izza (Beachcomber Black Diamond Iz, RN, RD) x Romeo (Ch. Black Diamond's Where Art Thou) puppies have arrived! Starting at 4:00am Izza started having babies. We were very happy with her to start with anyhow... she had Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy, Boy, Boy. Everyone is healthy, nursing and doing well.