Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lexie burns up the snow

Our first snow. We got about 6 inches. Took Lexie to the dog park (since she and Pat can’t ride the bike). No other puppies there. ~ Lori

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Zoey's first Sweeps

Zoey did fantastic today. I showed her in the 6-9mth puppy class in the Sweeps. She won her class, then went on to be picked the best "Jr. puppy" and then finished up by winning "Best in Sweeps"!! We have now officially won more than our 'fair share' at the Mt. Hood Dalmatian Specialties over the years. In our regular class (shown above) Zoey received a 2nd place in her class; but then Willow went in and saved the day by getting a Select Bitch out of a very tough field of girls. It was a long afternoon/evening, but very satisfying! Now we can say that Zoey is officially a Show Dog. ;)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Let it snow!

We finally are getting some snow. Last year we hardly had any. Cinder is having a blast with Sierra on our deck. ~ Karen

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cinder picks up her new horse

Well we are just heading back from grants pass with our brand new bouncing baby boy "Aranaway Dante". He is a 6 year old Morgan horse that has never been ridden. He is 16 hands tall. He is a very big boy. Cinder enjoyed the ride down and had a great time playing with all the dogs at the ranch we were at. We will see if cinder and the new baby will get along as well as she does with our other two horses. ~ Karen

Friday, January 13, 2012

Clearly Ringo

Ringo had his vaccines and a check up yesterday. His vet does a urine test as part of the exam, and I'm happy to report his urine was clear, pH ok and no problems there. He does have an issue with needing his ears cleaned, and she has suggested we start every other week. I believe part of the problem is that Ringo and Mozart chew each other's ears every day, but anyways, if it doesn't clear up we may need to look into food or environmental allergies. I think it's just Mozart's dog saliva. He weighed 54 pounds and doesn't seem fat or anything, but she didn't want him to gain any additional weight. Samantha is here in NM with Olive for a visit. The three of them have been having a good time playing. Olive got to go to the vet with us yesterday because she had another tick bite despite being on a monthly preventative. They both kind of stole the show in the vet's office.

Hope you're doing well.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Waverly hits the snow

Hope you had a good Christmas and a happy new year! Waverley is doing great. She's a big suck and isn't too fond of Winter. She's doing better now that she has good coat (but still didn't like the -26 degree C weather we had last week). Here are a few pictures I took yesterday. Her favorite thing to do is catch snowballs when we throw them. ~ Talk soon, Amy

Tuesday, January 3, 2012