We're starting to get things smoothed out with the puppy routine. Last night we left the puppy room door open all night. During the evening Adrian, Jazz, Willow and I all hung out in the puppy room with Izza and the boys. The puppy room is also our office, so it's actually the family hang out spot anyhow. Poor papa (Romeo) wanted to come in with everyone but as soon as he put his head in the door Izza growled (very loudly and as if she Meant it), so Romeo being the good boy that he is, backed out and went out onto the deck. Adrian felt so bad for him that once we were ready to head to bed he went out, picked up all 58 pounds of Romeo and carried him into OUR bedroom (the one place in our home that is dog free). When I tried to protest he informed me that Romeo was feeling left out and his feelings were hurt ~ so Romeo got to spend all night sleeping in our bed, right between Adrian and I. Romeo was quit tickled about this and today he's back to his wiggle-butt self. I on the other hand, spent the day yawning thanks to having two men in the bed to wake me up every few minutes, turning, kicking, snoring, etc.
Leaving the puppy room door open and allowing all dogs to go back to normal (having free run of our house and our doggy door to the backyard) meant that Izza could come and go as she wished and/or needed, so we didn't have any issues last night or today when we got home.
Today's photo is of Green. Per request, I'm going to try and get a head shot of each puppy to post (so early trim can be seen). It's much harder than I would have thought to get a good up close photo of a puppies faces at this age. This is photo #10 or 12 that I took of Green's face, it will have to do, although it still doesn't show his eye trim very well (he has a lot of eye trim already). Just to refresh (or save you from having to scroll down) Green is a black spotted boy. When he was born he weighed 15.1 ounces and day two he now weighs 17.8 ounces.
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