Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cinder's new job

Just wanted to share a picture with you of cinder trying out her new pack. My son put his shoes in so that she can get used to it. When we go for hikes she can carry her own food and water plus when we go for walks she can carry the mail for me. She seems to enjoy it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ti passes again!

Ti passed another ultrasound. No stones and no crystals. He has one last check in October but I think his new diet and/or the distilled water has solved the problem. I'm going to arrange for a semi-annual urinalysis as a preventative measure and perhaps an annual ultrasound. I suppose he would be classified as a stone former but frankly, he's pretty bad at it. It didn't take too much to get him cleared up in comparison to some cases I've read. I continue to monitor his PH, check his stream, give him plenty of fluids etc.

I've taken him on regular beach trips this summer. We wade out to some sand bars at low tide and he has a ball chasing seagulls and eating dead crabs. We have a couple trips left before the weather turns cool again. ~ John

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trail hits the trail.

Trail went on his first backpack trip and learned to swim across the river at the same time! After the first swim, he was in the water continually! Chuck fishing was frustrated, as he swam back and forth. He collapsed in the tent at night, glad to be away from the mosquitoes, and completely worn out. chuck will take him into the Crazies again next month. ~Susan

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tonto's summer vacation

It still brings tears to my eyes whenever I see him (Ranger) but I am soooo thankful that you found a great home for him. The only times I feel good about this decision (of returning Ranger to Oregon) is when we spend time with Tonto and see the difference it has made in his life too.  We went camping last weekend and he was great. He really likes riding in the boat. He has become the "family" dog. Jupe and Hayden were across the pond jumping off rocks while Tonto sat next to me. He whined and didn't like seeing the boys jump off the rocks, he swam over there to check on them and swam right back to me. Very sincere pup! He slept right next to the kids in their tent at night and kept a watchful eye on us the whole trip. We were very proud to call him our dog. He got along with all the other dogs, who would roam around our campsite. ~Amiee

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hello From Bow

 Bow is having a fun summer. I think he really likes summer vacation and having me home. We are both going to go through some separation anxiety when school starts again. He seems to enjoy camping. He has been camping and hiking a lot. But I think he has really enjoyed the trips to the beach the most. Running on the beach seemed to be his favorite thing about summer vacation. Oh Yeah, and chasing the birds on the beach was also fun. I have attached a couple pictures of him. Just wanted to let you know that he is doing well and continues to be a great companion for us. ~Roch & Cindy