Monday, October 31, 2011

Olive makes a wave

Olive makes me laugh so hard some times that I just had to share. She usually barks at me and tries to eat the bubbles when I take a bath, but last night she took it a step further and just jumped right in the tub with me. I wrapped myself in a towel and grabbed my camera - hope you think it's as funny as I do. She literally splashed half the water out of the tub.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Izza gets 2 CATs

Izza and I spent the day with our friends Jordan, Krash & Kester over in Kent, WA today. We were checking out a new AKC title: C.A.T. (Coursing Ability Title). It's like Lure Coursing (which is an event they do with sight hounds), but easier. The course for dogs the size of Dalmatians is 600' long and the dog just has to show interest in following the lure and must finish the course within 2 minutes. We did two runs, a few hours apart. Izza's first run took her 1.01 minutes, but her second run (which is what this video is of) took her 55 seconds. She received two of her three "legs" (a leg is a qualifying run), she needs to get her title. We had lots of fun and she got to burn off some energy!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jack's beach birthday

 Jack's doing great--part of the family!! We took him to the coast for his first birthday (pictures attached)--the dogs had a ball! Jack's doing a pretty good job listening & minding--he's getting better. We finished obedience training last week and we both enjoyed it. He still doesn't want to leave the cats alone but we're working on it. Our Lab Parker has taught Jack how to pick marionberries, plums and tomatoes! They go down to the garden and help themselves!! Have a great day. ~Stephanie

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Olive's birthday party

 Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Olive had a very fun birthday party this year. I invited over the swim team I am currently coaching for for some cake and puppy snuggles. Olive was so excited all of her swim team friends came over, she was in hyperdrive. I made two funfetti cakes, and we had capri suns (seemed fitting for a one-year-old's party). Some of the kids brought her new toys, which she loved, one of which she is currently squeezing next to me. I got her a giant rawhide that she promptly tried to hide all over the house. She tried to "dig" out the couch cushions to hide it, and I eventually found the gooey mess hidden under the covers of my bed (which, come to think of it, was a really good spot to hide it). Hope all is well back at home, Olive says hi to everyone too! ~ Samantha

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cinder's birthday party

Cinder is doing great. For her birthday my son Riley picked her up, spun her around while we all sang "happy birthday to you, woof woof, happy birthday to you, woof woof

Then she got to eat part of a cucumber she just loves cucumbers. She is turning into a wonderful little girl. She is pretty good about coming when called. The only thing that really annoys us that I can't seem to break is her mouthing our hands to death when she is really tired. She is like a toddler who is dead tired but won't lay down for nap because she might miss something. But she is the best in hotels - never barking and she loves going to horse shows. She went to 6 different shos were we stayed in hotels and she was great. Thank you again for letting us "adopt her". ~ Karen

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cinder's first Halloween

I was starting to set up my Halloween houses and had started my little train set up (at the top of my fireplace). Anyway I had turned it on and as it was going back and forth cinder got all excited and was hopping on her hind legs trying to see what was moving. Just wait until I get the whole town set up and the lights and sounds get going. She will have a field day! ~ Karen