Saturday, December 24, 2011

Nora and her tree

Nora sure does love christmas time!

Friday, December 23, 2011

JR's Christmas Wish

JR is doing great. He is a happy boy and well behaved (most of the time). We are starting another obedience class in January. Her he is with Santa. I think he asked for dog cookies.

Happy Holidays! ~ Tina, Matt, Katie, Lucy and JR

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Just wanted to give you a quick update on Jack. He's doing great! He is absolutely perfect for our family. It's been a really relatively easy transition for all of us, including him. So, I know it was meant to be that he was to be a part of our family! And, halleluia he is getting along with the cats!! They were all lying on the same bed yesterday. Maybe they are just tolerating each other but Jack is not chasing them anymore. He nudges them to say hello and they don't mind (as long as he doesn't keep doing it over & over!).

We took the dogs to a tree farm to get our tree and they had a blast running in & out of the trees, and he's only torn half the lights off the tree once!

He's just such a sweet, smart dog and we are thrilled to have him.

Thanks again.
Merry Christmas.
Stephanie & Brent

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Snow in New Mexico

Here is a photo of Mozart (red collar) & RIngo (blue collar) playing in the snow in New Mexico. We didn't do anything special on Mozart's birthday, but that's because everyday is a special day when you own a dalmatian. ~Bernie & Tim

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cinder the holiday elf

As you can see Cinder is a perfect little elf even though she looks confused about the hat on her head ~ Karen

Friday, December 2, 2011

Round and Round

Hi Deb. Me again with another video on cinder.   Sierra just got home from college and was playing chase with Cinder. They were having a very good time. I personally think that Cinder thinks Sierra is a puppy too! ~ Karen

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cinder's forklift

Hi Deb. I thought you would enjoy this. I was putting up my Christmas houses and was setting up my Lego forklift and Cinder was fascinated by it. ~ Karen

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Princess Lilly

Hey Debbie I wanted to give you a quick update on Lilly she has been wonderful to have around and has made herself at home with our family .As far as we know she has had many first and lots of fun with us this last summer camping, boating,swimming (kind of she has a thing about water it her terms only) and geocashing etc. She has been lots of fun and we would like to thank you and Adrian again for helping us find her. I included one of her pictures from feb out in our backyard she really is a pretty girl or princess as my wife refers to her.The rain jacket was my wifes idea. Thanks again The Mix family

Friday, November 18, 2011

Crystal Clear

For Romeo's 4th birthday (Nov. 7th) I decided to get him thoroughly checked for bladder stones and/or crystals. We've never really had him checked and he's never had any problems, but seeing chances are good for a Dal to have crystals in their urine and stones can turn into a life or death situation - it's well worth having a preventative look.  So today Romeo and I spent the afternoon at the vet's office. I'm extremely happy to report that his ultrasound showed his bladder to be completely free of crystals and stones (they also visualized his prostate gland which looks perfect as well). Then they checked his urine sample, which had perfect pH at 6.5, was free of crystals even under the microscope, free of red & white blood cells. His concentration level was on the lowest side of normal (his urine was nice and diluted) at 1010 (normal is 1010 to 1040). So he was 100% as perfect (or at least as perfect as a Dalmatian can be)!! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lazy Jewels

Apparently Jewels was too tired to get her entire body up onto the couch tonight ~ this was as far as she made it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Boys night

Now that Adrian has a new job in Walla Walla, it's a special treat to have him home on a weeknight. The two men of the household had a nice evening watching Monday night football in their favorite positions. (Romeo must not have found the game that exciting seeing he was actually sound asleep in this photo).

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy boy

Ti had an ultrasound in October and passed. No crystals and no stones. I've decided to have him checked semi-annually. He has a good diet (my own invention) and we make sure he gets 8 cups of water (occasionally less but never less than 6 cups) a day. That seems to be the key in my opinion. We use skim milk to bait his water and add a 1/4 of cucumber to keep his PH up. I hope all is well with you. I attached a recent pic of Ti. He actually fell asleep like this! ~John

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nora's growing up

She's crazy but it sure is fun at the same time... ~ Jeremiah

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dalmatian in need

There's a Dalmatian in need of help near us. Please follow this link and take a look at this girl in a shelter in Idaho Falls. If anyone out there has room in their home and heart, let me know and I can assist in transporting her closer to you. Unfortunately with 6 Dals in our home, we just don't have the room to take her.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lola's birthday ball

We can't believe that Lola is 4 already! It seems like yesterday we had a wrinkly little, razor-toothed, gator mouth chasing us around! She enjoyed her birthday very much. She got a new toy and had some time playing her FAVORITE game. Playing with a tennis ball literally makes her a little crazy. You can distract her from anything by saying the word "ball" - what a crazy girl! Someone once told us she might "mellow" after 3...we are still waiting... :0) We always say that she is a "really good dog when she is not being bad!" (the usual: counter surfing, stealing food, barking at us to play, and plain ole stubbornness). She is lucky that we think she is the cutest thing ever!

Thank you so much for allowing us to bring our Lola girl into our family - she is our babydog! We promise we'll be better about sharing pictures and videos... we follow the blog and enjoy seeing how Lola's little "dalmatian quirks" are shared by her entire family!!

Give hugs to the spotted crew! - Krissi, Dieter, and Lola

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lexi's 4th birthday

Deb and Adrian and MAMA Jazz-
Here is our sweet little puppy. Can’t believe it was 4 yrs ago she was born.
We still thank you guys everyday for our sweet Little Lexie Doodle. We enjoy
every single vid and pic on your blog! I am glad we were your FIRST------
Love you guys-  Pat, Lori and Lexie

Monday, October 31, 2011

Olive makes a wave

Olive makes me laugh so hard some times that I just had to share. She usually barks at me and tries to eat the bubbles when I take a bath, but last night she took it a step further and just jumped right in the tub with me. I wrapped myself in a towel and grabbed my camera - hope you think it's as funny as I do. She literally splashed half the water out of the tub.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Izza gets 2 CATs

Izza and I spent the day with our friends Jordan, Krash & Kester over in Kent, WA today. We were checking out a new AKC title: C.A.T. (Coursing Ability Title). It's like Lure Coursing (which is an event they do with sight hounds), but easier. The course for dogs the size of Dalmatians is 600' long and the dog just has to show interest in following the lure and must finish the course within 2 minutes. We did two runs, a few hours apart. Izza's first run took her 1.01 minutes, but her second run (which is what this video is of) took her 55 seconds. She received two of her three "legs" (a leg is a qualifying run), she needs to get her title. We had lots of fun and she got to burn off some energy!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jack's beach birthday

 Jack's doing great--part of the family!! We took him to the coast for his first birthday (pictures attached)--the dogs had a ball! Jack's doing a pretty good job listening & minding--he's getting better. We finished obedience training last week and we both enjoyed it. He still doesn't want to leave the cats alone but we're working on it. Our Lab Parker has taught Jack how to pick marionberries, plums and tomatoes! They go down to the garden and help themselves!! Have a great day. ~Stephanie

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Olive's birthday party

 Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Olive had a very fun birthday party this year. I invited over the swim team I am currently coaching for for some cake and puppy snuggles. Olive was so excited all of her swim team friends came over, she was in hyperdrive. I made two funfetti cakes, and we had capri suns (seemed fitting for a one-year-old's party). Some of the kids brought her new toys, which she loved, one of which she is currently squeezing next to me. I got her a giant rawhide that she promptly tried to hide all over the house. She tried to "dig" out the couch cushions to hide it, and I eventually found the gooey mess hidden under the covers of my bed (which, come to think of it, was a really good spot to hide it). Hope all is well back at home, Olive says hi to everyone too! ~ Samantha

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cinder's birthday party

Cinder is doing great. For her birthday my son Riley picked her up, spun her around while we all sang "happy birthday to you, woof woof, happy birthday to you, woof woof

Then she got to eat part of a cucumber she just loves cucumbers. She is turning into a wonderful little girl. She is pretty good about coming when called. The only thing that really annoys us that I can't seem to break is her mouthing our hands to death when she is really tired. She is like a toddler who is dead tired but won't lay down for nap because she might miss something. But she is the best in hotels - never barking and she loves going to horse shows. She went to 6 different shos were we stayed in hotels and she was great. Thank you again for letting us "adopt her". ~ Karen

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cinder's first Halloween

I was starting to set up my Halloween houses and had started my little train set up (at the top of my fireplace). Anyway I had turned it on and as it was going back and forth cinder got all excited and was hopping on her hind legs trying to see what was moving. Just wait until I get the whole town set up and the lights and sounds get going. She will have a field day! ~ Karen

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Adrian had a good day today! He caught a 17lb and a 27lb Chinook Salmons. Meanwhile the puppies (Zoey & Jewels), my mom, Chip and myself all attended the Salmon Celebration at the Mill Casino in North Bend. The puppies got lots more socialization and interaction with strangers, kids and even a couple of other dogs.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dog Park Fun

We've taken the girls to a couple of dog parks since they were about 3 months of age, but today was the first time that there was actually anyone else at the park! The girls got to meet lots of different sized dogs and people today. We ended up spending 2 1/2 hours at the park before decided enough was enough! They seemed to really enjoy themselves, especially the kiddy pools - they throught splashing the other dogs was fun!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Beach Fun

Sierra was a wonderful sport about wrestling
in the sand with the puppies!
Our godson and his girlfriend Sierra came and spent a couple of nights with us at the house we have rented in Winchester Bay. Zoey & Jewels were very happy to have new people to walk and play with them! The girls had a good time running and playing on the beach again today while Sierra, Tyler and myself tried to play catch with his 'disc' (I was told it's not a frisbee).

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chaplin wins a Group 1st!!

Chaplin is one of Romeo's sons. He's turning into quite a stunning young man!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jewels strikes a pose

Apparently it's not too cool here for the girls; after a long wrestling and chasing match, Jewels dug herself a little spot in the sand and stretched out to cool herself off.  Seems the girls are quite happy about their vacation at the coast!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dune dogs

Another fun trip to the beach today. Someday it would be great if the sun would come out while we are at the beach. :) 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First time to the beach

Jewels & Zoey's first time to the beach went well. They seemed to love wrestling in the sand, which was pretty much all they did the whole time, with just a little sniffing and tasting of dead sea life in between wrestling matches. They didn't seem scared of the waves at all, but they didn't get into the water either. Looks like they will have fun the next week and a half!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cinder's new job

Just wanted to share a picture with you of cinder trying out her new pack. My son put his shoes in so that she can get used to it. When we go for hikes she can carry her own food and water plus when we go for walks she can carry the mail for me. She seems to enjoy it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ti passes again!

Ti passed another ultrasound. No stones and no crystals. He has one last check in October but I think his new diet and/or the distilled water has solved the problem. I'm going to arrange for a semi-annual urinalysis as a preventative measure and perhaps an annual ultrasound. I suppose he would be classified as a stone former but frankly, he's pretty bad at it. It didn't take too much to get him cleared up in comparison to some cases I've read. I continue to monitor his PH, check his stream, give him plenty of fluids etc.

I've taken him on regular beach trips this summer. We wade out to some sand bars at low tide and he has a ball chasing seagulls and eating dead crabs. We have a couple trips left before the weather turns cool again. ~ John

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trail hits the trail.

Trail went on his first backpack trip and learned to swim across the river at the same time! After the first swim, he was in the water continually! Chuck fishing was frustrated, as he swam back and forth. He collapsed in the tent at night, glad to be away from the mosquitoes, and completely worn out. chuck will take him into the Crazies again next month. ~Susan

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tonto's summer vacation

It still brings tears to my eyes whenever I see him (Ranger) but I am soooo thankful that you found a great home for him. The only times I feel good about this decision (of returning Ranger to Oregon) is when we spend time with Tonto and see the difference it has made in his life too.  We went camping last weekend and he was great. He really likes riding in the boat. He has become the "family" dog. Jupe and Hayden were across the pond jumping off rocks while Tonto sat next to me. He whined and didn't like seeing the boys jump off the rocks, he swam over there to check on them and swam right back to me. Very sincere pup! He slept right next to the kids in their tent at night and kept a watchful eye on us the whole trip. We were very proud to call him our dog. He got along with all the other dogs, who would roam around our campsite. ~Amiee

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hello From Bow

 Bow is having a fun summer. I think he really likes summer vacation and having me home. We are both going to go through some separation anxiety when school starts again. He seems to enjoy camping. He has been camping and hiking a lot. But I think he has really enjoyed the trips to the beach the most. Running on the beach seemed to be his favorite thing about summer vacation. Oh Yeah, and chasing the birds on the beach was also fun. I have attached a couple pictures of him. Just wanted to let you know that he is doing well and continues to be a great companion for us. ~Roch & Cindy

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rex's pack

Here’s a couple of pictures of Rex (Orange) Kobi, and Cassie.  He weighed in at 23 lbs last Tuesday getting his booster vaccine.  He’s a very smart puppy learning from his other house mates quickly.  He’s healthy, playful, and full of personality.  We are enjoying him a bunch. ~Chad & Paulyn

Friday, July 29, 2011

Pictures of Katie

Here are some pictures that were taken in june. I will send more up to date pictures in the next couple weeks. Cheryl fell and broke her hip last week. As you can tell from this that things are very busy at the moment. I took Katie to the vet's this week and she is 16 inches at the shoulder and weighs 23.2 lbs She has learned to sit,shake and stay, thanks ~ Mike

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ranger's happy voice

We actually heard his "voice" tonite. Kind of a howl. I don't know, maybe a sad howl for you guys? Does the howl mean something particular? He just did it once. But he settled down into his bed. He is asleep now :). I had to put Sids bed next to him. So they would not argue over whose bed was whose! They are my cute "boys"! ~Becky

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ranger's New Adventure

Ranger moved into his new home tonight. He's now living with an approximatly 25lb cutie named Sid. Here's a note from his new mom: Hi Debbie, well we came inside and Ranger and Sid are getting acquainted! Sid is initiating play! That is not his usual behavior with dogs. So that is good news. Sid is pretty happy. Ranger is looking for you :( but he is getting loved on and he will be ok. He is still wagging his tail! I will keep you posted! Take care new friends! ~Becky

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fun day for JR

Short video of JR running through the field near our house. He also recently took to swimming. Tina

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Looking good in Canada

I've attached a few "stacked" pictures. I'll use the term lightly heehee. I had no idea how hard they are to take with puppies! We must have taken a 100 photos before we had a few we were relatively happy with. She looks like a rocking horse in the one lol. We are starting handling classes August 1st so hopefully they will improve after that. Can't believe they are almost 3 months! She is maturing more and more everyday. If only she could master the housetraining thing lol! Talk soon, Amy

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Zoey at 12 weeks of age

Zoey is Black Diamond Front Runner - my pick of the litter. She looks and acts SOOO much like her mom Jazz, I couldn't resist keeping her! She has more spots than I like, but I LOVE everything else about her.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Terrible day for Waverley

Waverley is doing great. We started puppy kindergarten on Wednesday and she was a pro. She is a saucy girl and doesn't like sitting still, but is catching on to commands and the house training thing. She already sleeps through the night and is fitting in with the pack here. Her favorite friend is my Sphynx cat Peach. They wrestle on the floor and chase each other around the living room. We had a couple of bumps earlier in the week. While out for a walk she was ran over by my other dog and started limping. I crated her for the night, but when it wasn't better by the next morning I brought her into my work to see if they'd want to do an xray. The vet moved her leg through it's full range of motion and said it's most likely she just brusied her shoulder. Thank goodness, I felt sick to my stomach bringing her in but didn't want to do the whole "wait and see" thing I would normally do with my other dogs. Since we were there anyways, and got the go ahead, I had her vaccinated. Unfortunately she ended up having a vaccine reaction and her left hip ended up swelling with a bump the size of a large egg and was very sore. Poor girl had a terrible day. Luckily puppies bounce back and she is 99% back to normal already. We will split up her last set of vaccines, pre-treat with benedryl and hopefully avoid another reaction. Never a dull moment around here!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

JR and his girls

Here are some pictures of JR with our youngest, Lucy and my niece, Emily. ~ Tina

Friday, July 1, 2011

JR Update

JR is continuing to do very well! We started a dog training class last night and he did quite well. We are working with him daily. Today he got to go to the dog park and meet one of his new girl friends, a 10 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback. They ran around and got pretty worn out. We are working hard on socializing him with other dogs. He is doing quite well when they are off leash. It is a bit more of a challenge on leash. The dog class should help.  I will send a picture of him soon. ~Tina

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Well balanced Mickey

Thank you so much for being such an awesome breeder! Because of the wobble board (I assume) he doesn't even flinch about unstable surfaces.

~ Lisa
P.S. He got up there, himself.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Run For The Roses = Nora

Sorry I haven't been in touch, Nora and I have been very busy! She loves her new home and all her new friends and is already a huge Portland Timbers fan as you can see! She's been surprisingly very good with all her trainings and she can now come, sit, lay down, (stay)off, understands no and ouch, likes her kennel and is getting very good at being on a leash. potty training is finally making sense to her and has gone 3 days now without any accidents in doors! She also met her Vet yesterday and got her latest round of shots. Shes very healthy and weighs 11 pounds. Hope all is well! ~ Jeremiah

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dog Power

Here is our “Little Lexie Doo-Bug”

This is what she does every single time Pat take her for a ride around the neighborhood. He takes her all over town: trails, old town and to the dog park. There isn’t a square mile he hasn’t covered around town. She sounds like those sled dogs when he is getting ready to take off. Funny thing is he wouldn’t even have to peddle the first 1-2 miles b/c she runs so damn fast, but of course he does. Enjoy ~ Lori

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cinder goes Farwest

Hey Deb just wanted to share a picture of Cinder and my husband taking a break at the farwest morgan regional horse show in redmond. We are here for five full days and cinder is doing great as you can see. She has been the best puppy. We have been staying at a hotel and not a peep out of her. If you tell her to go to bed off she goes. She really likes our horses especially my palomino. They like to walk side be side together. Talk to you later ~ Karen