We can't believe that Lola is 4 already! It seems like yesterday we had a wrinkly little, razor-toothed, gator mouth chasing us around! She enjoyed her birthday very much. She got a new toy and had some time playing her FAVORITE game. Playing with a tennis ball literally makes her a little crazy. You can distract her from anything by saying the word "ball" - what a crazy girl! Someone once told us she might "mellow" after 3...we are still waiting... :0) We always say that she is a "really good dog when she is not being bad!" (the usual: counter surfing, stealing food, barking at us to play, and plain ole stubbornness). She is lucky that we think she is the cutest thing ever!
Thank you so much for allowing us to bring our Lola girl into our family - she is our babydog! We promise we'll be better about sharing pictures and videos... we follow the blog and enjoy seeing how Lola's little "dalmatian quirks" are shared by her entire family!!
Give hugs to the spotted crew! - Krissi, Dieter, and Lola